25 ways to help improve your overall wellbeing
Useful tips and website links to help with your overall wellbeing for people in Bedfordshire and Luton.
The Gov.uk website recommends these websites:
Rise Above is a social marketing programme which aims to equip 11 to 16-year-olds with the skills they need to withstand social pressures and build their resilience.
One You is a nationwide programme that supports adults in making simple changes that can have a huge influence on their health, such as through eating well, moving more, drinking less and quitting smoking.
Every Mind Matters is a national campaign and digital platform which launched in October 2019 with the aim of equipping people to take simple, early steps to look after their mental health, improve their mental wellbeing and support others.
NHS.UK is the UK’s biggest health information service which provides advice, tips and tools to help you make the best choices about your health and wellbeing.
Equally Well UKÂ is an initiative which seeks to promote – and support – collaborative action to improve physical health among people with a mental illness.
MindEd is a free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health, that is aimed at parents, carers and anyone who volunteers or works with young people.
The Bedfordshire Wellbeing Service provides one-to-one sessions and/or group workshops. Find out more about this service on the Bedfordshire Wellbeing Service website.
The service offers help with depression, anxiety, sadness, extreme shyness, obsessive behaviour, phobias, relationship difficulties including depression and common mental health symptoms or other psychological issues.
The Total Wellbeing Luton offers a range of free and confidential talking therapies and specialist support. This includes support to: Stop smoking, manage your weight, be more active, manage an existing health condition and more.

Self-help guides
There are a range of self-help guides produced by the NHS in Bedfordshire. They cover topics like depression, anxiety, controlling anger, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress and many more.

Help for young people
Bedford Open Door is a charity providing free and confidential counselling to young people. Counselling is provided by a team of fully trained, experienced and friendly volunteer counsellors.
Young people can just ‘drop-in’ for a chat with a counsellor between 10.30 -12.00pm on a Saturday morning or 5.00-7.00pm on a Tuesday evening. You can make appointments for other times too. Call 01234 360388 or email: enquiries@bedfordopendoor.org.uk
Online mental health services
NHS Choices have a useful page of links helping people to get online support for their mental health.
If you know of any help and support services for mental health near you then please email us and we will update this page with your suggestions. Thanks.
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