Help for carers
This service provides up-to-date information and advice to people of any age and with any disability, older people, their families, carers, friends and associated professionals throughout Bedfordshire and Luton.
Get help fast with our new confidential referral forms
We have two forms one for partners (and professionals) and one for carers who would like to self-refer to the Carers Central service. Carers Central is run by The Disability Resource Centre and funded by Luton Council for carers living and working in Luton.
Practical support for unpaid carers in Luton
Carers Central is a free service completely dedicated to helping unpaid carers living or working in Luton.
Call 0300 303 0201
Email: carerscentral@drcbeds.org.uk
The Carers Central service is funded by Luton Council.

Sign up for our fabulous free newsletter
Sign-up to read our latest newsletters that are full of events, news and all the ways we help disabled people and carers every week of the year. Over 1,500 people across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes have signed-up to receive our newsletter. Sign-up for free today with just your email address…

Wheelchair hire
Hire a wheelchair from our charity for only £15 per week or £18 per week if you pay VAT. See full details…

Help with long term health conditions
We help and support people with disabilities and long term health conditions here at The Disability Resource Centre. Read our useful articles, guides and tips to many health conditions…

AdviceCentral – Your open door to advice in Central Bedfordshire
We provide a free telephone and website service helping residents of Central Bedfordshire to access advice services both locally and across the UK. Funded by Central Bedfordshire Council.

Join our team of superhero volunteers
If you would like to volunteer remotely to help our charity team or as part of a work placement then we would love to hear from you. Our volunteers gain valuable experience and really enjoy helping out in many different departments including marketing, helpdesk, admin, social media and research.

Help with housing
Over 20 links to useful websites and information helping you with housing, for people across Bedfordshire.

Caring for yourself
When you are a carer it is sometimes difficult to remember that you need to care for your own health too. So we have compiled some useful tips and links to help you keep healthy.

Carers helping carers
We’ve been impressed with the help available on the CarersUK online forum. It’s a place to ask questions, with other carers providing the answers. There’s lots of useful tips and plenty of sympathetic support.