Disability advice

We are taking telephone, online and face to face appointments. Please email us and we’ll be in touch to arrange a suitable time.

Our disability advice service is confidential, independent and free.

This service provides up-to-date information and advice to people of any age and with any disability, older people, their families, carers, friends and associated professionals throughout Bedfordshire, Milton Keynes and Luton.

Please fill in this form to ask us a question or to book a one-to-one telephone appointment.

Contact us…
We are here with a listening ear, offering emotional support to disabled people, older people, people with long term health conditions, carers and families.

Our support team are here to help you Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

We are here for you

Phone: 01582 470 900

Email: info@drcbeds.org.uk

The advice service is open to everyone, there is no formal referral process and it is free.

Please do ask us a lot of questions. We are all trained and ready to answer.

We can help you with benefits, equipment, carers, employment, mental health, support groups, training and much more.

Useful articles on a wide range of topics: 

A woman smiling, standing by a bright yellow coloured wall

6 steps to better self esteem

If you struggle with low self-esteem, there are ways to help build your self-confidence, so you feel good about who you are on the inside. Here are six tips to do just that…

Enjoy a free cuppa and chat

Come along to AdviceCentral’s Mondays at Mayfield in Dunstable, from 10am-2pm every Monday. Enjoy free tea and coffee and our award-winning range of support, for disabled people and people with long term health conditions.

See our new guide to dementia

Read about dementia and its different forms, diagnostic tests for detecting it early on, available treatments and prevention methods against it. We have included some links to local support groups and organisations for carers in the Milton Keynes, Luton and Bedfordshire area…

Sunlight shining through an ancient tree

Anxiety: 9 questions to help spot the type of your anxiety

When you experience anxiety, it’s difficult to know exactly what’s wrong. Read how to spot the type of your anxiety and get help for it more quickly. Our article includes links to mental health support services across Luton, Milton Keynes, Bedford and Bedfordshire…

Disability benefits you can apply for as a disabled person

If you’re disabled, you may be eligible for government benefits that can help with your cost of living. Our support team is here to help you to apply for disability benefits. We have specialist benefits advisors who can assist with a range of queries and help you to fill in benefits’ forms.

A aerial view of a housing estate

Housing Benefit: Get help paying rent

Housing Benefit helps low-income households with their rent payments. Read our guide to Housing Benefit, Council Tax support, Universal Credit Special Allowance and more…

Related pages:

The Disability Resource Centre logo on a colourful striped background

Sign up for our fabulous free newsletter

Sign-up to read our latest newsletters that are full of events, news and all the ways we help disabled people and carers every week of the year. Over 1,500 people across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes have signed-up to receive our newsletter. Sign-up for free today with just your email address…

Monday benefits form-filling

Help with benefits

We can always help with benefits advice for people with disabilities. For more specific advice just make an appointment with the benefits advisors who can help with benefits’ checks and form filling.

Supporting your mental health

Help, support and information on mental health issues and services for people across the Milton Keynes, Luton and Bedfordshire areas…

A manual wheelchair

Wheelchair hire

Hire a wheelchair from our charity for only £15 per week or £18 per week if you pay VAT. See full details…

Friends chatting over coffee

Help with long term health conditions

We help and support people with disabilities and long term health conditions here at The Disability Resource Centre. Read our useful articles, guides and tips to many health conditions…

Jargon buster

Jargon buster

Try the award winning, plain English, jargon buster. It’s easy to use and gives simple explanations to many words and phrases.

We can help you fill-in your blue badge form

We are here to help you fill-in your blue badge parking form. Our team of experts help hundreds of people across Bedfordshire to complete their benefit claim forms including blue badge forms. Book an appointment today.

Man standing with arms crosses, wearing a t-shirt that reads 'volunteer'

Join our team of superhero volunteers

If you would like to volunteer remotely to help our charity team or as part of a work placement then we would love to hear from you. Our volunteers gain valuable experience and really enjoy helping out in many different departments including marketing, helpdesk, admin, social media and research.

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