Employer Academy Reports

Read about our previous events

Our latest Employer Academy Event took place on 24th April 2015.
A diverse range of employers from Luton took time out of their day to come to Employer Academy number six to learn about the latest legislation likely to impact their business.

The Care Act 2014 brings probably the most radical shake up to Health and Social Care in England and Wales in the last decade, and will affect everything that has people at the heart of what they do – this includes Employers. So in order to look at the challenges and opportunities in this piece of legislation with our Ambassadors and Members, we put together a learning event which looked at ways to deal with the changes this may bring to the workforce.

Employer Academy April 2015

At The Disability Resource Centre, we have been running an employ~ability programme to prepare our candidates for the workplace. We build confidence, identify key skills and develop their workplace skills including IT. Our Employer Liaison Officer will refer candidates to you who have the relevant skills and attributes that you are looking for.

The benefits of working with The Disability Resource Centre to help diversify your workforce by employing people with disability are:

Our candidates have been through a development programme to make them ready for the workplace
·The individuals are fully committed to going back into the workplace
·We support you to have confidence in employing someone with a disability
·You increase the pool of candidates available to you
·We do not charge any recruitment costs to the employer
·Our candidates bring a vast array of skills, knowledge and experience into your workplace
·Employing the right person will have a positive impact on your business
To access this free service and discuss how we can help you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Report from the first Employers’ breakfast seminar 5th August 2014

Delegates around a table, with Mick Dillon speaking about disability in the workplace“Useful, thought provoking and timely”  just some of the comments from the delegates at the DRC Employer Academy Seminar Disability in the workplace or as CEO Mick Dillon puts it…”What’s this disability thing all about…?”

The first session gave 20 representatives from local business the opportunity to learn something about Disability Awareness, Disability Etiquette and the questions that can and cannot be asked under the Disability Discrimination Act

As a disabled person himself Mick is able to talk about being an employee and employer from a unique perspective.

Discussion flowed freely aided by a delicious breakfast and some fears were allayed. More in depth one to ones were on offer for those employers that needed more support with situations they are currently encountering.

Pictons Solicitors one of our first employer Ambassadors will be delivering the next seminar on 16th September this is a very important topic “ How to recruit and retain disabled people in your workforce” and will be of interest to many. Don’t worry if you haven’t been to the previous events come along and join us.

Telephone Tracy Plunkett on 01582 470900 if you would like more information before attending.

Report of the Launch of the Employer Academy by David Tooley of Inspire business magazine.

A new Employer Academy has been launched with the intention of educating businesses about the benefits of recruiting and retaining people with disabilities.

Launched at the Disability Resource Centre (DRC) in Dunstable the Employer Academy will be arranging free seminars on employment issues as well as networking events so employers can learn how they can transform the culture and skills mix of their businesses.

Speaking at the inauguration in June, Disability Resource Centre Chief Executive Mick Dillon said: “Most people with a disability want to work but people still discriminate and we should be more honest about that.
“This isn’t about creating false jobs, it’s about real jobs for real people.
“It’s not about pushing shopping trolleys at the supermarkets; it’s about changing attitudes.”

The DRC is a provider of Employability Programmes for disabled people but is also approaching it from an employer’s point of view and supporting them, too. Mr Dillon is a highly trained architect and also a wheelchair user, who was dismissed from a job in his youth because he fell over and could not get back up again. He puts his employer’s attitude down at least in part to a lack of knowledge about what could be done.
“It might be about access or adaptations but these can be covered,” said Mr Dillon.

Peggy Barnard, an employment lawyer with Pictons Solicitors, said the Employer Academy was a “great initiative” and one which the company was delighted to support.
She said: “A large proportion of the population classifies as disabled but people with disabilities are massively under-represented in the workplace. This is about trying to address the imbalance.
“There is still a reluctance to employ disabled people and we need to look at the lack of knowledge, education and understanding.”

The DRC itself employs 60 staff in Northampton and Dunstable, where it has 24,000 sq-ft of space, including a retail arm for aids and adaptations. The launch meeting was told that sometimes quite simple adaptations can make a huge difference.

A speaker from the DWP said the government could help support employers and disabled people.

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