40+ useful links to help with employment

Useful website links to help with finding a job, getting back to work, building your CV and more...

Find a job in Bedfordshire with our new job board featuring job vacancies, free training opportunities and volunteering roles. Sign-up for weekly new job alerts by email and see job vacancies at Disability Confident employers…

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Local links in Central Bedfordshire

Age UK Bedfordshire

The Bromham Road office in Bedford has a trained team of staff and volunteers who can give independent advice on many topics for older people in Bedfordshire. 01234 360 510 – lines are open 9.30am – 4.00pm, Monday – Friday. The Age UK website provides a page on work and learning information for people in later life; including looking for work, redundancy and external links for different classes and courses, including computer training.

Providing employment advice and support to people who want to enter employment and/or seeking to improve their career.

Gateway Housing Support

Previously known as Bromford Support, this service has transitioned over to Central Bedfordshire Council and aims to support people who either have little or no experience of living independently, a history of homelessness or experiencing tenancy breakdown.

Job Clubs – Voluntary Works

The following courses are for anyone over 19 and working less than 16 hours or are unemployed. These courses are designed to help with employment. For more information on any of these courses contact Jo Divney on 01525 850559 and click the below links to view them.

Build your confidence

Unlocking your potential

Springboard for women returners

Directgov job search

The above link will take you to the Directgov job search page where there are hundreds of job vacancies in Central Bedfordshire.

BRCC (PETE)– Voluntary Works

Helping people who have autism, a learning disability or a mental health condition to make progress towards the labour market. Call 01234 832641 or click the above link title to know more.

Develop give the opportunity for people to develop the skills that employers are looking for. Many of the courses run through Central Bedfordshire.

Central Bedfordshire work clubs are aimed at adults who are looking for work, training, further learning or volunteering.
Work clubs in Central Bedfordshire are in Biggleswade, Dunstable, Houghton Regis and Leighton Buzzard.

Local links to employment support in Luton

Find a job

Careers hub at Luton Borough Council

Search council, school and other jobs available in Luton.

Self Employment

Advice on starting your own business from Luton Borough Council

Self employed and sole trader income calculator

Helping carers in Luton

Please contact our Carers Central team if you would like to speak to Sally and Levi from our carer support team, for free and confidential assistance about employment for unpaid carers in Luton. We help unpaid carers with advice and support on many topics so please do get in touch.

Links to national websites and services

Careers and skills training

Search for courses and training online and get advice on qualifications and funding.

National Careers Service

Take a few minutes to review your skills and strengths.  There are 4 assessments covering personal skills and 6 that cover your work activities.

Free Computer courses

Learn My Way provides free IT/ digital online courses for beginners.

Job search and vacancies from Jobcentre Plus

You can register and get notifications on new vacancies via JCP.


You can search Indeed for vacancies and apply online.

Find an apprenticeship

Search for an apprenticeship by clicking the link above

Working as a Personal Assistant

Local training directory – All the locally available training for PAs, carers and healthcare professionals is available on the BMLK training directory pages covering Luton, Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes.

Skills for Care – You can access PA training through the Skills for Care website

Care Academy – The Disability Resource Centre have there own specialist training programme for carers, PAs and employers. Please contact the team for the latest training available through our Care Academy.

The Disability Resource Centre is pleased to partner with CarePair to advertise jobs from employers who are looking to recruit personal assistants. To get started please visit the CarePair website. If you have any issues with creating an account they will be happy to help, just call 01582 470 900.

Advice for job seekers

Jobcentre Plus

JCP provide a lot of advice and support to jobseekers on careers and job searching.

Links to online tools & useful websites:


Benefits Calculator – Find out what benefits you are entitled to.

Employment Allowance Calculator – You can add a number of employees and their salaries to see the overall effect on your payroll.

Job seeker’s allowance– The government provides job seekers allowance for those who are unemployed but are looking for employment.

Includes information on rights at work, problems at work, when work comes to an end, young people & employment and many more sections.


Acas provides information, advice, training, conciliation and other services for employers and employees to help prevent or resolve workplace problems.

Pension Wise

A free and impartial government service that helps you understand your new pension options.

The Pensions Advisory Service

The Pensions Advisory Service (TPAS) is here to give people professional, independent and impartial help with their pensions – for free. Their helpline – 0300 123 1047 – is open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Employer Line

Employer line offers help and support for employers and business owners.
Free advice helpline- 0800 274 637

How to ensure your office space promotes mental wellness

Action for Blind People

Action for Blind People is a national charity with local reach, providing practical help and support to blind and partially sighted people of all ages. They offer visually impaired people help to find a job.

National Careers Service 

The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities.


Health and Safety Executive

The Health & Safety Executive website has information regarding work related health and safety issues for many occupations and how to prevent health risks- such as dermatitis or asbestos related illnesses.


TCHC offers a range of government-funded services to employers, employees and job seekers. They can help in many areas such as redundancy, apprenticeships or training.

We are a voluntary and community sector support organisation that develops, enables, promotes and supports local voluntary and community action (including volunteering) across Bedfordshire.


Digital inclusion  – Read this comprehensive guide to disability inclusion in the workplace which was provided by Ben.

If you know of any employment support services near you then please email us and we will update this page with your suggestions. Thanks very much.

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Our newsletter is packed full of the latest updates from our charity team, free events around Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes, money saving tips, stories and articles from our community of disabled people and carers, handy information from local community groups and free services you might not know about…

A new logo for The Disability Resource Centre's 30th birthday

Our CEO is retiring, so we are recruiting a new CEO

Melanie Hawman is retiring as our Chief Executive Officer after a remarkable career leading The Disability Resource Centre. During her tenure, Melanie demonstrated exceptional leadership, guiding the charity through significant periods of growth and change. So now we are actively recruiting for the role of CEO.

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Steaming bowl of soup at The Disability Resource Centre's Warm Hub

Come to our Wellbeing and Warm Hub in Dunstable every week

The Disability Resource Centre’s popular and free Wellbeing and Warm Hub is returning to brighten up the winter days. With energy prices expected to remain high in 2025, knowing how to keep warm while managing costs has never been more important. Our sessions provide practical solutions and support in a warm, welcoming environment. Plus there are free refreshments including tea, coffee and delicious homemade soup. And you’ll be saving money on heating. So come to our warm and cosy centre, every Tuesday and Wednesday.

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Your open door to advice in Central Bedfordshire

AdviceCentral helps residents of Central Bedfordshire to find the best local and national advice on a wide range of topics including:




Immigration, Employment

Legal & more

Help for carers in Luton

We offer lots of free 1-2-1 help and advice by phone, email and online meetups.

Please donate to our charity

Please consider donating to The Disability Resource Centre today so we can continue our vital services.

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