Watch our founders remember how The Disability Resource Centre all started.
The concept of a local resource centre is established by local disabled people.
Partnerships are formed with the local health authority and community trust.
Initial user engagement commences and a project group is formed.

Charity created.
First employees.
Poynters House opens and welcomes first services and tenants.
Services provided: Information and Equipment.
Poynters House opened by HRH The Duchess of Gloucester.
The Disability Resource Centre partnership model repeated all over the country.
Services provided: Information and Equipment.

Bedford office opened.
Direct Payments Support Service commences.
NHS facility, Independence Square, opens.
Services provided: Information, Equipment and Direct Payments Support.
The Disability Resource Centre receives national HSJ Award commendation for multi-agency partnership working.
Services provided: Information, Equipment, Direct Payments Support and Community Loans project.
Information Outreach Service introduced.
Lord Howland becomes our Patron, who later succeeded to The Dukedom of Bedford.
Services provided: Information, Equipment, Direct Payments Support and Information Outreach.

First BBC local radio interview held.
Direct Payments Support Service expands.
Transport Matters project commences.
Services provided: Information, Equipment, Direct Payments Support, Information Outreach and Transport Matters projects.
Milton Keynes Direct Payment Support Service commences.
The Disability Resource Centre is recognised by Department of Health and National Centre for Independent Living as providing best practice.
Information guide first published.
Services provided: Information, Equipment, Direct Payments Support, Information Outreach and Transport Matters projects.
Woburn Suite meeting rooms and conference facilities opened.
The Disability Resource Centre website launches.
The Disability Resource Centre wins local Equality and Diversity Training award.
Services provided: Information, Equipment, Direct Payments Support, Information Outreach and Transport Matters projects.
Marsh Farm Advice Service commences.
Enterprise Hub opened by His Grace,The Duke of Bedford.
The Disability Resource Centre becomes Department of Health National User-Led Action and Learning site.
Services provided: Information, Equipment, Direct Payments Support, Carers’ Support, Information Outreach and Transport Matters projects.

Northamptonshire Centre for Independent Living established in Corby and Northampton.
Services provided: Information, Equipment, Direct Payments Support, Carers’ Support, Disability Rights, Information Outreach and Transport Matters projects.
The Disability Resource Centre becomes Paralympic Ambassador.
The Disability Resource Centre leads on Paralympic Flame events throughout Bedfordshire and Luton.
Services provided: Information, Equipment, Direct Payments Support, Carers’ Support, Information Outreach and PA Training Academy.

LuDun room opened by HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire.
Health, Learning and Work team created.
First Scouts welcomed for Disability Awareness badge sessions.
Services provided: Information, Equipment, Direct Payments Support, Carers’ Support, Information Outreach, Employers and PA Training Academy.
The Disability Resource Centre celebrates 21 years.
Advice transformation project pilots AdviceCentral.
The Disability Resource Centre service users receive Community Learners Award.
Services provided: Information, Equipment, Direct Payments Support, Carers’ Support, Information Outreach, Employment Support, Employers and PA Training Academy.
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Free training workshop on end-of-life care for Personal Assistants (PAs)
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Our CEO is retiring, so we are recruiting a new CEO
Melanie Hawman is retiring as our Chief Executive Officer after a remarkable career leading The Disability Resource Centre. During her tenure, Melanie demonstrated exceptional leadership, guiding the charity through significant periods of growth and change. So now we are actively recruiting for the role of CEO.

Come to our Wellbeing and Warm Hub in Dunstable every week
The Disability Resource Centre’s popular and free Wellbeing and Warm Hub is returning to brighten up the winter days. With energy prices expected to remain high in 2025, knowing how to keep warm while managing costs has never been more important. Our sessions provide practical solutions and support in a warm, welcoming environment. Plus there are free refreshments including tea, coffee and delicious homemade soup. And you’ll be saving money on heating. So come to our warm and cosy centre, every Tuesday and Wednesday.

At no cost to you, how to turn your daily online shopping into vital funds for our charity
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Your open door to advice in Central Bedfordshire
AdviceCentral helps residents of Central Bedfordshire to find the best local and national advice on a wide range of topics including: