6 simple ways to get more exercise as part of your daily routine

Have you ever felt as though you’re just not getting enough exercise? Maybe you feel like you don’t have time to go to the gym, hike or walk every day, or maybe your workday is so busy that the only time you have for exercise is in the evening after a long day. That doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to incorporate more activity into your daily routine.

Exercise doesn’t have to be a separate activity—it can be part of other activities

Even if you don’t have time for an hour long workout every day, there are simple ways to get more physical activity each day.

Here are six simple ways get more exercise and work towards achieving a healthier lifestyle:

1. Commit to a small habit change

One of the best ways to start incorporating more exercise into your daily routine is to commit to a small habit change. You don’t have to go from couch potato to marathon runner in one day. Instead, try adding one new activity to your routine. For example, if you want to walk more, commit to walking during your lunch break every day. If you want to spend less time sitting at work, try setting a timer to remind you to get up and walk around every hour. If you want to climb the stairs more, don’t take the elevator when you’re going up a floor. You can also try adding one calorie-burning exercise to your day. If you want to get more active, pick one specific exercise, like walking or strength training, and try to do it for 10 minutes a day.

2. Go for a walk at lunch

While it’s great to commit to a specific exercise routine, you may not have time for a lengthy workout every day. You can, however, take advantage of your lunch break by walking instead of sitting during your lunch hour. If you work in an office environment, try to get outside for your lunch break even if it’s only for 15 minutes. A walk during your lunch break is a great way to get some fresh air, get a bit of exercise, and get rid of stress. Taking a walk can also help you to make better food choices during the rest of the day because it lowers your stress levels. Stress can often trigger us to crave unhealthy foods, but walking can actually help us to relax and make better choices when it comes to food. When you walk during your lunch break, it allows you to squeeze in more activity without having to make it a big deal.

3. Take the stairs

Another way to get more exercise during your workday is to take the stairs. You may not think about it, but climbing the stairs is an active way to get more movement into your day. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator is a small change that can help you to get more active during the day. It doesn’t have to be a big deal either. You don’t have to make a big speech about it or disrupt your colleagues with a constant reminder that you’re taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Just climb the stairs as you normally would, and you’ll have added more activity to your day. If you work in a tall building, try to make this a daily habit. If you work in a smaller office environment, try to take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator as often as you can. You may also want to set a reminder on your phone to help you stay on track.

4. Park further from your destination

Parking further from your destination is another simple way to get more activity into your day. If you have a long commute, you can walk a longer distance to and from your car to get more activity. You can also park at the far end of the parking lot at the end of your workday to get more activity without having to do a long walk. Taking a longer walk to and from your car can help you to get more steps in during the day. You might find that it helps you to relax, too. The change of scenery and ability to clear your thoughts may help you to reduce stress. Taking a longer walk to and from your car can help you to get more steps in during the day. You might find that it helps to relax you at the same time, too. The change of scenery, and ability to clear your thoughts, may help you to reduce stress.

5. Get up and move when you’re on the phone

Another way to get more activity in your day is to get up and walk around when you’re on the phone. If you tend to sit for hours at a time at work, getting up and moving may help to reduce the amount of time you spend sitting each day. Taking a few small breaks during the day to walk around, even if you’re on the phone, can help to reduce the amount of sitting you do each day. Research has shown that sitting for long periods of time can lead to health risks, even if you do exercise regularly. Taking small breaks throughout the day to stand up, walk around, and stretch can help to reduce those risks. You don’t have to walk all day, but try to aim for the recommended amount of activity each day.

6. Use your commute as an opportunity to be active

If you have a long commute to work, you may think that you’re stuck sitting for the majority of the time. That doesn’t have to be the case, though. You can use your commute as an opportunity to be active. Taking public transportation or a cycling to work can help to add more activity to your day, but if you drive to work you can still get more movement into your routine. If you drive to work, try to incorporate more active driving into your day. Start by accelerating slowly, braking smoothly, and keeping your eyes on the road.

Don’t forget, exercise is about more than just your physical health

Exercise is more than just getting more activity into your day. It’s also about improving your mental health and reducing stress. When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins, which can help to reduce stress. Exercise can also help you to sleep better and stay focused during your day. Exercising regularly can even help you to reduce food cravings, control your appetite, and improve your self-confidence.

Exercise at home with our seating and standing exercise videos

If you think you don’t have time to squeeze in a lengthy workout each day or you don’t have access to a gym, don’t worry—there are plenty of ways to get active at home. You can try using an exercise ball or a resistance band to get more active while you’re watching TV.

If you want an even more structured routine, you can try our seated and standing exercise and Yoga videos. There are over 60 videos covering different styles of exercise and some great tips from our Yoga and exercise experts.

They’re designed to help you to get more active and less sedentary, to help you to get more movement into your day.


Watch our exercise and Yoga videos on YouTube…

Supporting you to get out and about with PIP

Our charity can help you apply for PIP – The Disability Resource Centre is a small charity that supports people living in Milton Keynes, Luton, Bedford and Central Bedfordshire.

Our team can help you to get out and about and stay connected. We can help you apply for Personal Independence Payments (PIP)  that can provide a daily living part if you need help with everyday tasks or a mobility part if you need help with getting around. Whether you get one or both parts and how much you get depends on how difficult you find everyday tasks and getting around. 

Please contact us to discuss how we can help you which may include arranging a free appointment with our Benefits Advisor. They are an expert in claiming benefits for disabled people and people with a long term health condition. 

Come to our mobility equipment shop in Dunstable

We can provide advice and also stock a range of mobility aids, if you need help getting around, including a variety of:

  • Rollators
  • Wheelchairs
  • Walking frames
  • Walking sticks

Visit us at our mobility equipment shop at the Mayfield Centre, 4 Mayfield Road, Dunstable, LU5  4AP. 

Sometimes it can be difficult to get started but don’t worry…

Our support team are here to help you Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

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Phone: 01582 470 900

Email: info@drcbeds.org.uk

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We can help you with many questions straight away.

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We are inviting our website visitors to contribute their own experiences and suggestions on a wide range of topics to help support disabled people and people with long term health conditions. So please email us with your ideas and suggestions for improving this page. Thanks very much.

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Phone: 01582 470 900

Email: info@drcbeds.org.uk

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