Walking football and the England Para football team

Our friends at Dunstable Town FC shared a couple of great opportunities for football fans and players.


Walking Football

The Walking Football group at Dunstable FC have a weekly Friday evening session which runs between 7pm and 8pm. If you are interested in joining please contact Ian or Steve at walkingfootball.dunstabletownfc@gmail.com

If you or any of your colleagues know of anyone who is lonely or socially isolated and would like to join a new Friendship group, there is one running at the Dunstable Centre every Thursday between 11am and 1pm. If anyone is interested in the Friendship group please contact Andrew Madras, chair.dunstabletownfc@gmail.com


Painted line on a football field

FA’s England Para football team

MarcDi Carlo, Football Development Officer of Bedfordshire Football Association says

“The FA are delivering a Para Football (Deaf, Cerebral Palsy, Partially Sighted, Blind – male and female) Talent Identification Workshop which will provide information about the England Para Talent Pathway.

The FA Para Football Talent Identification Workshop is being delivered on the following dates:

  • 28th Feb (10am – 12pm)
  • 1st March (12pm – 2pm)
  • 1st March (6pm – 8pm)
  • 2nd March (1pm – 3pm)
  • 3rd March (10am – 12pm)
  • 3rd March (6pm – 8pm)

For more information and to register for any of the above dates please complete the registration form.

The FA want to give more players with specific impairments the opportunity to play for our England Para teams and get them on the England Para Talent Pathway. The FA are looking for those with cerebral palsy, visual or hearing impairments who have the skills and a dream, to step up and play for their country.

Do you know somebody who fits the bill?

The England Para Talent Pathway aims to find players who are ‘hidden’ in mainstream clubs, whose impairments may not be immediately obvious. The FA want these players to stay with their club to continue to play for their teams, as this is often the best format for a player’s continued development.

If you wish to recommend a player who may be eligible to be involved in the Pathway please complete the Player Referral Form.”

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