We’re very pleased to be joined by two new team members, Stacey and Rawshana.
Rawshana provides help and support to customers who call or email us in our contact centre. Stacey is here helping everyone that comes to our disability equipment shop for new and second-hand items.
We asked them both to answer a few questions to help everyone get to know them better.
Q – What’s your typical day at The Disability Resource Centre?
A typical day for me starts at 10am, as I’m one of the Information Assistants within the contact hub, I’m generally on the phone taking calls and answering queries, some queries require a fair amount of research. The phones are usually very busy from the time I get in until about 4pm. The Disability Resource Centre has an equipment showroom so there’s usually a steady stream of visitors who also require looking after.
In addition to these visitors we also have a number of tenants within the building who also have visitors that require greeting and signposting.
Q – What do most enjoy about working at The Disability Resource Centre?
The variety of the queries that I get to deal with on a day to day basis
Q – What are the most challenging parts of working at The Disability Resource Centre?
As I’m new, it’s getting to understand the vast range of mobility aids and adaptations on the market and what they are used for.
Q – What have you learned about The Disability Resource Centre that you didn’t know before you started working here?
How big the premises actually are and how many people are supported by The Disability Resource Centre every month, it’s amazing!!
Now for a few light-hearted questions…
Q – Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Oooh I could just do with a cuppa…. ( I like my hot drinks!!).
Q – Which talent would you most like to have?
I’d love to be able to do Martial Arts.
Q – What is your most treasured possession?
My Apple mobile phone, my life revolves around it!
Q – Who are your heroes in real life?
People who give up their free time to help disadvantaged people.
Q – Who are your heroes in fiction?
Wonder Woman.
Q – What is your motto?
The glass is always half full.
Q – What’s your typical day at The Disability Resource Centre?
A typical day at The Disability Resource Centre for me is a 9am start, my job as the retail and information assistant is helping customers; providing face to face disability equipment advice and also over the phone, for a variety of things. Every day is different at The Disability Resource Centre and I’m learning a lot!
Q – What do most enjoy about working at The Disability Resource Centre?
I enjoy that every day is different, you never know what call you will answer and what information you learn for the first time or recover information stored in your mind that you had forgotten about.
Q – What are the most challenging parts of working at The Disability Resource Centre?
The most challenging part of working at The Disability Resource Centre is gathering all relevant information about the various disability equipment we hold here.
Q – What have you learned about The Disability Resource Centre that you didn’t know before you started working here?
The amount of information each department provides and how important each job is in order to support local people with disabilities.
Now for a few light-hearted questions…
Q – Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Here’s three:
- To be honest
- What an irritant
- Do you know what I mean?
Q – Which talent would you most like to have?
To communicate in any language.
Q – What is your most treasured possession?
A mirror given to me by my late grandmother.
Q – Who are your heroes in real life?
My niece is a real life hero, she is profoundly deaf and has multiple undiagnosed issues. She is the bravest and most confident little girl I have ever met. She takes everything on the chin and her smile always remains.
Q – Who are your heroes in fiction?
Sherlock Holmes.
Q – What is your motto?
“Be a pineapple, stand tall, wear a crown, be hard on the outside and sweet on the inside.”
If you would like to contribute a story or article to be featured on our website then please contact us today. Thanks.