We are supporting Luton Council to encourage our website visitors, who live in Luton, to have their say on the all the latest policies that affect people living in Luton.
Luton Council say on their website “The council is seeking views on its draft adult social care travel assistance policy to ensure a consistent, fair and equitable way of supporting adults to meet their travel requirement needs.”
Luton Council’s adult social care travel assistance policy
The consultation runs until Wednesday 27 March 2024.
View the policy and complete an online survey
Latest news

Free training workshop on end-of-life care for Personal Assistants (PAs)
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Our CEO is retiring, so we are recruiting a new CEO
Melanie Hawman is retiring as our Chief Executive Officer after a remarkable career leading The Disability Resource Centre. During her tenure, Melanie demonstrated exceptional leadership, guiding the charity through significant periods of growth and change. So now we are actively recruiting for the role of CEO.

Come to our Wellbeing and Warm Hub in Dunstable every week
The Disability Resource Centre’s popular and free Wellbeing and Warm Hub is returning to brighten up the winter days. With energy prices expected to remain high in 2025, knowing how to keep warm while managing costs has never been more important. Our sessions provide practical solutions and support in a warm, welcoming environment. Plus there are free refreshments including tea, coffee and delicious homemade soup. And you’ll be saving money on heating. So come to our warm and cosy centre, every Tuesday and Wednesday.

At no cost to you, how to turn your daily online shopping into vital funds for our charity
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7 ways to beat loneliness, with help from our charity
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Staying active with MSK conditions: Your guide to staying active safely
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Helping carers access their rights on Carers Rights Day in Luton
Join us at Luton Point, with Chums and Healthwatch Luton, on Carers Rights Day, 21st November 2024, from 10am to 3pm.