Care Academy

Job vacancies for Personal Assistants

Please call us on 01582 470900 or email us to find out more.

We can post current Personal Assistant (PA) and carer job vacancies

Working as a Personal Assistant

Working in the care sector is a very rewarding career. As a Personal Assistant or PA you will be employed directly by an individual who’s managing and paying for their own care through a social care direct payment or personal budget. 

You will provide support to them to live independently in their own home, in the community, at leisure or at work, helping with various aspects of their daily life. 

You can be employed directly by one employer or work for a number of different people. 

Please follow these links to find out more information:

Friday information sessions

If you are interested in knowing what it is like to work as a Personal Assistant (PA) in care with a disabled person, please drop in (to our new online meetings) on Fridays at 10am to talk to someone who knows all about it.

You can join our new online meetings every Friday at 10am.

If you are using a mobile device or tablet then you’ll need the Whereby online meeting app.

Download the free Whereby app for Android devices and Apple devices

In this event you will find out about:

  • The role of a PA
  • Latest PA job vacancies
  • Training available
  • Employment support

CarePair advertises jobs for PAs

The Disability Resource Centre is pleased to partner with CarePair to advertise jobs from employers who are looking to recruit personal assistants. Each employer and each job is different. Hours of work, duties and skills required vary for each employer.

What is self directed support

PA job vacancies are added to CarePair as soon as they become available – this means there is no need to wait for the updated vacancies list to be sent out.
The system will automatically match your availability, and work tasks, to those being sought by an employer and highlight these for you.
You can update your details easily including contact details and availability.

CarePair means that we can put people in touch with each other much more quickly, for interviews to be arranged.

Registering an account on CarePair is fast. Just answer some simple questions to help you get matched with the most suitable employers. 

To get started then please visit the CarePair website. If you have any issues with creating an account we will be happy to help, just call 01582 470 900.

PA Register

In addition to CarePair we can add you to our PA Register for us to contact you with information on vacancies, training, employment support and other ways we may be able to support you. You can also easily sign-up to receive updates and newsletters by email. Please contact us on 01582 470900 or email us for full details.


Some roles will require a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check to be completed before starting in your role. You be required to complete an online form and contact by us to provide ID documentation.

To ensure that the necessary  (DBS) checks can still be carried out during the coronavirus crisis, the DBS ID checking guidance will be changed for a temporary period.

The change will enable:

  • ID documents to be viewed over video link
  • Scanned images to be used in advance of the DBS check being submitted

Read the new DBS checking guidance

Training for PAs

PA Induction – We run free PA Induction training via our new online course with support from our dedicated Direct Payments support team. This provides an introduction to the role of a PA along with important information including PA’s code of conduct, PA legal rights, health and safety and safeguarding.

Employer Induction – This is available to new employers. We will invite you to attend a session where we can provide you with all the essential information to support you in your role.

Care Academy – We have our own specialist training programme for carers, PAs and employers. Please contact us for the latest training available through our Care Academy.

Local training directory – All the locally available training for PAs, carers and healthcare professionals is available on the BMLK training directory pages covering Luton, Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes.

Skills for Care – You can also access PA training through the Skills for Care website

Wellbeing – We have an online courses available from The Disability Resource Centre: Introduction to Emotional Wellbeing.

Online and distance learning – There are many distance learning courses available through local colleges that can be completed online including:

  • Common health conditions
  • Infection control
  • Falls prevention
  • Understanding mental health
  • Principles of Dementia Care
  • Working in adult social care
  • Understanding autism
  • Principles of working with individuals with learning difficulties

Check our local colleges for the latest online learning courses:

Please call us on 01582 470900 or email us to find out more.

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