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Purple Tuesday for accessibility and inclusivity

Purple Tuesday: 7 November 2023

Today marks Purple Tuesday, an annual event which exists to celebrate accessibility and inclusivity, while also shining a light on how we can improve disabled customer experience as a society.

Purple Tuesday gives organisations the opportunity to make commitments to improve their customer service accessibility practices and encourages companies to become the leaders from which others will follow.

Here at The Disability Resource Centre, we aim to bring creative solutions and support to those facing health or disability challenges all year round.

Melanie Hawman, our Chief Executive Officer, believes every day should be dedicated to raising awareness, not just one day a year.

“Everyday should be purple, not only one Tuesday a year. At The Disability Resource Centre, we believe that every single day disabled people should have equal access and equity in all areas of life. Our work is dedicated to raising awareness, empowering those with disabilities, and improving the level of care in the industry.

While we celebrate today and the message behind it, we hope that this level of drive and empathy extends beyond one day, so society can continue to raise awareness and help those in need all year round.”

We want to encourage companies to carry this attitude across to all 365 days of the year. According to statistics from the official Purple Tuesday website, disabled people make up 17% of the world’s population, yet 70% of these individuals won’t return to a business after receiving poor customer service. These figures highlight how often disabled individuals feel marginalised and excluded from the very simplest parts of our society.

As a society, we need to push further with our commitments and put actions behind our words. This could come in the form of Mental Health Awareness training for employees, encouraging staff to adopt the ‘six second rule’ to help neurodivergent consumers to process information, or adopting the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme. What may seem a small step for a large company can make a profound impact on the disabled community.

In the spirit of Purple Tuesday, we must remember that embracing diversity is not just a one-day effort. It’s a continuous journey where awareness, understanding, and support stand at the heart of positive change for everyone.


The Disability Resource Centre is an award-winning charity

Browse our website for help from our charity:

We are here so that disabled people and their families have somewhere to turn if they need help in any situation

Working with local communities to support anyone with a disability or health condition in Milton Keynes, Luton and across Bedfordshire.

Phone: 01582 470 900
WhatsApp and text: 07826366477

© 2023 The Disability Resource Centre. Registered Charity No. 1041712. Company Limited by Guarantee No.2898000.

Room 1, The Rufus Centre, Steppingley Road, Flitwick, Bedfordshire, MK45 1AH.

Our charity is here to help you if you live in Bedfordshire, Luton, Milton Keynes and surrounding towns and villages.

AdviceCentral is your open door to free advice in Central Bedfordshire

People living in Central Bedfordshire now have a single source of information on a vast range of topics, including:



Carers Central for unpaid carers in Luton

Helping unpaid carers in with emotional and practical support

Call the helpline on 0300 303 0201. Open Monday to Friday in office hours and on Tuesdays we are open for telephone calls until 7pm.

Visit the website or send an ema

Community Central is a 12 month project supporting Luton residents with: 

- Benefits and money management advice

- Disability advice and support for people with health conditions

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">- Help with food banks

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">- Carers support

- Support for your wellbeing and mental health<span data-metadata="">

- Help, advice and free support with employment, volunteering and training

Come and speak with our friendly team who are available at community centres in Luton to help you every week

Tuesdays - Disability advice, health & wellbeing support

9:30am to 1:30pm

Luton Central Library (ground floor), St George’s Square, Luton, LU1 2NG

Wednesdays - Benefits advice and money management support

1pm to 5pm

Lewsey Community Centre, Landrace Rd, Luton, LU4 0SW

Thursdays - Disability advice, benefits advice and carers support

9:30am to 1:30pm

Trinity Community Centre, 3 Trinity Road, Luton, LU3 1TR

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Immigration, Employment

Legal & more

Help for carers in Luton

We offer lots of free 1-2-1 help and advice by phone, email and online meetups.

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